PM10 in Switzerland

Fine particle emissions of small wood fired furnaces can contribute substantially to the overall PM10 concentration in ambient air. The figure below shows annual PM10 emissions in Switzerland. Tail pipe emissions of road traffic are compared to emissions of small wood fired furnaces.

The figure shows the trend ince 1995. The estimation of traffic related emissions is based on the BUWAL report 255, where the emissions of road traffic in Switzerland are given and on statistical data on number of wood fired appliances of the different categories and their fuel wood consumption. Parikelemissionen CHAssuming an average calorific value of 14.5 MJ/kg and PM10-emissionsfactors of 50 to150 mg/MJ depending on the type of appliance, particle emissions for each category of appliance can be calculated. For the comparison shown here, “small wood fired furnaces” were defined as appliances of the categories 1 to 7, that is manually fed single room heating appliances.
It is reasonable to conclude that the contribution of small wood fired appliances to the overall annual pollution of ambient air with PM10 in Switzerland is currently as large as the contribution of diesel engines from road traffic. According to the statistical data mentioned above, the number of small wood fired appliances exhibits an annual increase of about 2%. Taking also into account the latest strict emission limits for traffic, that have been introduced with even lower limits coming soon, it has to be expected that small wood fired appliances will be even more important in the future. Furthermore it has to be considered that emissions of small wood fired appliances are locally concentrated in residential areas and they are concentrated also on the winter season.

MiniPab: Miniature Particle Absorber for small wood fired furnaces

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21. July 2006